Sunday, 2 September 2012

My apologies for the elongated absense

Right my lovelies... my awpologies for the extremely long absense.... sadly a funeral and a poorly car has meant my time has been spent elsewhere .

I have made some smaller bits and pieces but sadly I have hit a wall when it comes to quilt design and what I want to make. This is never a good phase for me and it tends to happen every few months... Then suddenly I find or draw up something I want to do and away we go again.

Sadly I think my dead phase has come on the back of a pile of emotional events and my real feeling of frustration with myself over a block I entered in a comp. Sadly I knew in my heart of hearts I had rushed the block and the finish was not as good as it could be . I looked back and was horrified that I would submit such a shoddy piece of work . It really wasn't good enough and it got the result it deserved.

Ity did however make me question my skills and what I need to do to make my work better.
So ..................................well that was a  whole pile of misery ... I,m back on track and making and prepping . so here we go to enclose some pictures

OK circuklar zippy pouches ideal for ear phones so the cables don;t knot as much . This tutorial initially came from  a link on sew mama sew  wheree they suggested cutting out yr fabric fist then quilting it . I have found choosing yr fabric and quilting the whole lot then doig the cutting out saves a lot of hassle and prevents fabric motion and "shrinkage" due to quilting.
These are really handy dandy little bits and some people put split rings on but I like jsut a simple ribbon or fabric loop.

A zippy with a bright green zippy. I love these really vivid zips that make such a statement. 

A lovely purple small print fabric that came as part of a moda owls range from the fabric guild in Leicester .I am taking a trip next Sunday to get supplies but fabric is NOT on the lsit this time

The frog zippy bag has gone off to Arizona !! lets see if the recipient reads this !! 

Now part of my September challenge was to only use what is in my scrap box to make stuff so this is a pieced quilted bag for a teacher at my daughter's school. It will no doubt carry al lher supplies and bits that 7-10yr olds need ! 

Now as a member of sew swappit on facebook we get a regular swap challenge and this time it was the autumnal runner . I could have gone for pumpkins, halloween, autumn leaves, something similar ..... and I sat there and sat there and sat there thinkig of what I could do . Not wanting to be too predicatble     looking for the right design . And so I spent some time looking at the location of my swappee and what was evident in the flora and fauna of the area. I saw a couple of fantastic pictures of the sunsets in the area and those combined with my husbands love of astronomy it came to pass that I would do the Autumn sky and constellations that would be evident over that area in the autumn months.
All fabrics fro this are solids only . Each was chosen as close to the colours in the photgraphs I saw and then simply joined in striaght seams pressed and then laid out on a medium weight interfacing tro support the next step .
So there I am with the Sept /Oct geo layout and the corresponding constellations  over this persons house !! The things we do .
I Then chose the major constells and laid them out with a soluble fabric marker and then went in search of monofilament ( vile stuff) and the super tiny seed beads .
Each star was a seed bead sewn in with monofilament  .... there has been a small amount of artisitc licence .
Finally it was bound in a grey batik thatI have sitting waiting forthe right job... it cost me a fortune so it has been sitting waiting for quite a while .

Now these little chaps are for a gift for a friend I know via the mothers bench at karate .
She adores elephants and especially Elmer the elephant so this will be made into a cushion with the rainbow raindrops of the elephants ! Lets see how it comes out .
Keep on trucking and keep sewing .
Love Raven

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