Monday, 10 September 2012


Hello and yes I am going to have anotehr giveaway ...
Sadly I never had a repsonse from the winner and so I have decided ot have anotehr go at getting you people to comment ( positive)  and have a go at quilting yourself .
More details of the draw at bottom of post .
This giveaway will be drawn on Halloween 31st October. So plenty of time to spread the word. You get an extra draw for those you invite ( and tell me about )
So my naughty elephants were splashing in the water and they went to their new home last week with rapturous repsonse.

My lovely friend on sew waht and sew swappit sent me this .... more as I suspect a warning to prevent me fromgetting too lippy  .... lol my daughter took it very quickly and hung it on her door.... the strangest thing is it doesn't suprise me that she probably also has flying monkeys and could easily set them on us all.

As you know ( or youmay not ) I have a dread of applique. Al lthat turned needle , cut through the back purist twaddle does not float my boat or is that too many mixed metaphors ??
However raw edge aplique is less stress. Who am I kidding.
But I msut break my fear of this . I msut learn to work to pattern for applique and I msut achieve my goals .
therefore the discovery of a free pattern from "DON:T LOOK NOW"  gave me an opportunity to have a go at soemthing more formal .
IN the flower garden . my version differs slightly ( cos I don;lt always read instructions. ) but also because I wanted to do more free motion embroidery to test myself.
so here we have the flowers appliqued. I use steam a seam from

I find it much much better than anything else and worth the money.  

so I sketch in my embroidery lines using a water soluble prymm pen ( blue) and then embroider over and then it was down to full no free motion quilting . A tight squeeze in places but I made sure I kept it tight and small and I did some practice before working on my project . I had never done the "roses" before so i drew some out then got my head into gear .. and it looks k. Once completed this might go into the draw but it might go as a gift soemwhere as yet undecided

Sunday and a trip to the fabric guild in Leicester to stock up on batting ( soooooooo much cheaper )
and I got this little stack for £2,50!!!! about half a metre lovely .

So I got the good old finger remover I mean rotary cutter out and made a pair of chevron covers .
One is currently being hand quilted in pearl cotton I have yet to decide whether to machine quilt the other. 

Looks lovely but dear me makes my fingers sore.
Right the draw ..... 31st October

4 prizes ...... so you could win

 fat eighths in either orange or blue 

2 cushion covers

A zippy pouch

Some glorious bunting that is in construction.

a couple of random "door prizes" are also up for grabs . Get yr names and comments in .

As I said the last few weeks have been hard ...thank you for reading and remember .....
Everything is better with a bit of sewing

Peace and apple pie

Love RAVEN xxxx


  1. I love the work you are doing. Totally new to quilting, I have never actually made a quilt yet. I have what I call pretend quilted a tote bag but that didn't count .LOL At any rate I love what you are working on and I mean all of it. I intend to pick your brain for information as I have time and energy to work again. No how do I enter to win this !

    1. you have entered by commenting . Good luck

  2. I love the colors you choose in your projects. They are always bright and cheery. They match your personality. You make the sew swapit group alot of fun.

  3. I love your elephants :) You always bring color to the groups on facebook and make me smile :)

  4. Replies
    1. LOL that'll be the newspaper effect!

    2. Ouch. Not the face. I have my career to think about.

  5. I like the bright chevron covers.

  6. i love it all thanks for the giveaway

  7. Love all the work you do! Handquilting with pearl cotton is always harder than it looks, because it's thicker than quilting thread! I am really starting to like the effect it gives to any of the quilts I have seen out there that have used the pearl cotton. I usually use the thinner thread, and that takes forever, as then you really hand quilt it with small stitches, which in my case are still often very irregular.

  8. Hi Maria I use different threads for different items and yes pearl is a beast to use especially on tight weaves but I love the effect. sometimes you have to use the punch and pop method not the normal waving needle method I can use on thinner fabric with thinner thread. It;s all still very much a learning experience for me and I have to say I make what I like and hope that people like it too. The thread you received last time in the draw is my fav but sadly it was too thin for this job.

  9. Would you recommend the water soluble pen? I've never used one but I have toyed with the idea of using a 'frixion' pen but opinions seem very varied!!

  10. I like the prymm water soluble ... i;ve had no problems so far and haven't tried the otehr brands out there so can'#t really comment . I can say that prymm VANISHES in contact with cold water never mind a full wash so you cna dab the colour off with a damp sponge when yve done what you need t do . I find pencil too "permanent" it can leave nasty marks . hoep this helps .

  11. Very pretty! Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Thank you for the chance! Lisetteygarcia at hotmail dot com

  13. I just learned about your give away, can't miss out on that. Thanks for a chance to win. LOL

  14. I love the quilt, and I know what you mean about sore fingers!

  15. That flower appliquee screams spring! Very nice colors, and love the chevron designs with the hand quilting.

  16. Hi! Im Rachell! Nice to meet you!
    Sounds like so much fun and lots of fun goodies!
    Here's my blog:

  17. Great giveaway - thanks for the chance. Love your flower garden.

  18. see most everyone is playing nice over I will too. as always Rachel, your work is impressive and your blog is a welcome respite from the rest of the world and its issues... thanks

  19. Thanks for the chance to win! I suspect you have your own monkeys too, lol! And because I always forget to check back on give a ways, my email, lisetteygarcia at hotmail dot com

  20. Love your colours, and I'm not so fond of applique myself, but that said I've done enough that I'm much more comfortable with it .

  21. I heard I won !! I am so excited. :)
