Saturday, 7 July 2012

It's lovely to see a plan come together and it just goes to prove how damn sneeky we can be with the best intentions .

Norwich School Lower School have been very lucky in securing Miss Ella Porter for 3 years and this was her final year. Many children have been taught by her and I have to say my own child has thrived under her tutelage resulting in double A's for english, Maths as well as other subjects.

So we had thrown the idea at Miss P about a quilt as a leaving gift and allowed her to choose the colour scheme.  At this pooint we then went "black ops" and lord only knows how we managed to distribute and collect 37  signature blocks from the children in the year . These were then embroidered and incorporated into the back sheet.

The following pictures show the kids presenting Miss P with her quilt and her "tadpole suprise" moment  enjoy. It gave me a lump in my throat to see the kids so interested in their work and incorporation in the gift.

Like all great 10yr olds this one had a "tadpole moment"  fortunately not tadpoles in the pockets but the names of the children  built into the back sheet.

Checking for naughty and nice .....

A brilliant set of shots very kindly supplied by Mrs Todd .. this one the kids were all looking for their names. 

Miss P we wish you the very best good fortune and happiness in your new school and hope you remember Norwich School with much fondness.

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