Friday, 20 July 2012

Here comes the weekend

Friday pm.... home from work..... and I know there is a HUGE job waiting for me in the cupboard.
TOmmorow R&W must be pressed and laid out on it;s backing ...... it will be spray basted and pin basted and then the humongous job of quilting it begins.

It is going to take at least 6 hours of machine quilting to complete and I have pre wound 30 bobbins as prep. I have 2 rolls //reels of monofilament ready to go . and I just planning the work pattern. THe heavy machine quilting in stipple will only be done within the patchworl area and quilting must touch all 4 edges of each patch.

The size of the quilt means I will roll in on a fabric roll and work in sections one side at a time.
THe border of the quilt will be handquilted ot a certain extent with some special additions . So tonight I will be hunting down a couple of things on the computer for reference and maybe a bit of handsketching.

I also have completed a small piece of handquilting for the cushion cover that will be in my GIVEAWAY!!!!! It divine. I also have to do the same handquilting for a pair of non-identical cushions for a friends baby girls who will soon be 1! OMG how time flies.

So in preperation for al lthis what am I going to do ?? Go and read for 20 mins and put my feet up with a cup of tea thats what.

I'll keep you posted with my progress.

Be strong, be brave, be yourself.
Love RAVen

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed your 20 min. I think you should take some more time. It is a sad day here in CO. I hope everyone is safe in the UK.
