Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Yoooo arrrghhh me hearties and avast all y land lubbers it be pirate day..... no it isn't but it made you think. Can you imagine a day spent where we all ran around doing a Captn Jack Sparrow .. my 10yr old is hilarious especially as she is female and you jsut don;t expext a Cpn sparrow  from someone so small and feminine .

Anyway you may be wondering what I;ve been up to . you might not care quite frankly and yr only interestedi n the patterns and the disaster that is my typing.

WEll ........ for those of you that do give a monkies keep reading. We;re high on tecxt but low on pics

Above we have the teachers quilt . The front top made in the pandoras box style in 8.5 inch finished squares.

THe back is made of the machine filled/embroidered names of the kids in the year names. Each one was given the opportunity to put their name in ..... we got around 75% . not bad.

I have also been commissioned to make a quilt for a 16th birthday gift. Time is tight . THe design and colours are selcted RED AND WHITE !    So far the strips are cut and the ones going to make the central 4 square blocks. I have pressed the,m to open the seams and will do more cutting on Sunday as my week is now CHOCKA with work . I fl,y to Manchester on Thursday at 7am to go to a training meeting and then i have my own clinic on Friday.

Work funds quilting. We have another trip planned ot the guild in September for wadding etc and basics. If we;re lucky.

I am awaiting my next Stash bee challenge block and aim to have it out the door in 7 days of challenge issue.

I am also going to make some laundry tags to go on my bed linen sets. These are simple tasgs that I put on the bags that my bed linen sets in the draws so i know which sets are in use. SO I am making a variety of embroidered nad applique to make the id tags and then simply safety pin to the fabic case I put my setsi n ... Obsessional yes .... smart hell yes . 

I have to embroider significant dateso n the wedding quilt that is due in 6 weeks. I have to locate the dates I have written down ( oops~)  and sit down and decide on the appropriate  font and get them done. Then sew the 4 large blocks togeher and put their back sheet on and bind....

Lets say I have a lot to do and might be fisishing it up the night before the wedding !

anyway me and my jet setting life style I had better get on with it and hope you keep safe and be happy

The road of righteousness is a lonely one ....... be brave and know you have done the right thing.


Raven .

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