Tuesday, 15 May 2012

due to some technical problems I am struggling to download pictures from my iphone t othe pc to laod them onto the site. This is giving me a real headache and I am less than impressed with the updates recently sent by the apple corp.  grump over

Just bought some muslin with the longer term plan of having a go at cathedral window.... hmmm yweah I know... trad trad trad but not if done in electric green or vivid pink.  Sad to say though I came a cropper at the 2nd hurdle as I am really not feelnig up to ironing today . nothing new there then .
I am mentally gearing up to it but I just don;t have the energy ... cos I am a lazy trout .

THe hexagon quilt is slowly getting there and has taken a mighty amount of work . Al lthe plaques are now attached to the top dress piece and a pair of borders added. It;s going to be huge as it is nearly 7ft across and 9ft long already . So it will easily cover the bed it;s beingm ade for .

It;s really heavy and takes a lot of moving so I can only manage an hour at a time and then I have to pick something lighter .

The binding is on and being handstitched to the back of the red white blue bunting quilt . It looks lovely and has ganaered some admiration from all sorts of areas. It finally looks like bunting and medals and I really like it. 

THe karate quilt is getting close to the top being completed and then under the walking foot to be quilted. THe quilting has already been decided with it echoing the finishing on hte katate jackets . lines aspaced about 1/4 inch apart in groups of 4 or 5 . these are going to spaced a bit more and not on every rib as the quilt would then become too rigid. So I am going to do a few practice passes to see what spacing looks best .

the wedding quilt has stalled in the making due to a lack of wadding but will be progressing very soon.
I;ve cleared a hell of a lot of big quilts this year alaready despite not feelnig my best some days and my projects being considerably bigger than many quilters take on .

Now this might raise a few eyebrows .... but it;s time we stopped faffing with minis and mug rugs ( except as samples) and got down to some full on full size usable quilts. I am seeing more and more quilts that will only service a baby or a table top  and the movement has to prove that in order for mod quilt ot hold its head high amoungst the trad army  we are going to have to do some big work .

Trad are already mouthing ( in my area) that mod can't and won;t do big quilts. now this could be just snarly jealousy and I would hope so . But we do need to seem ore LARGE  work by mod quilters to show how it works. This doesn't just mean big squares or a few spots on a white background ... much as I love it myself. We are going to have to show that we have the technical skill along with artisitc  vision. NOw I shall jsut wait for the backlash on these comments.

Peace and love XXX Raven

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