Sunday, 4 March 2012

Greetings my fellow bee' ers and other peeps who have fallen into the blogging web!
So the weekend ... here and gone in a flash!  Saturday lost to  karate training, shopping, prepping for an evening event of star gazing and teaching school kids about staring into the heavens .

Well sadly a great day was marred by lost keys to the facility ! This then had repercussions into today ! to say that sapped my energy  and has had an impact on my sewing.

Yes I managed ot applique my "petals" to my blocks to go to the bee with limited issues... a couple of slightly rolling edges but I seemed to get it sorted I jsut hope they are ok for Debbe . I am including the remaining scraps and spares, batiks and bits and pieces so that she has spare as required.

I have finally cracked the "BFGW" quilt . HOOORAHHHHH !

Talk about a right wriggler ... this one has challenged me on the design front, fabric selection and styling. Add to that both Peter and John have a very specific design requirement and making it all work together was defiantely a head scratcher.

THe design specific has bene basedo n the guys holiday in South America with visits to PEru, Brazil, Patagonia ,. something they mentioned was the intense levels of Blue they saw in the skies, sea, rivers , wildlife .

Fabric selection was therefore more organic.... i chose batiks and designs that reflect nature. So geometics and feathers, amonites, picking out colours inthe intense greens, blues, aquas , purples that I suppose we imagine we would see in both the "jungles" and in the carnival atmosphere .

THe main design is built in 4 sets of 9 blocks ... mainly in a sort of rail fence design .
Now railfence would not be my first choice ... too simple too rookie.... maybe I was being snobbish .. yup i was actually . THe design the guys wanted wasa very very simplistic colour fazing around a central square but in the range of fabrics I had was going to mean that I either had to cut really BIG  pieces which would then look ..............well .... jsut wrong ..

OH GOD ! panic struck and then i went and sulked.

So out come the pens and paper and loking at the pictures and fabrics I thought  there must be more than one way to swing a feline !

sooooo we got to rail fence..... not to thick not too thin.... rail fence around a central square  ... 4 large blocks  then joined with sahsing and a coordinating framing fabric and bob;s yr auntie !

I'll post pics as I get them!/photo.php?fbid=10150734793088593&set=a.10150332462318593.392132.602638592&type=1&theater

but this is one block .. only another 3 to go . THe next big question will be the quilting style.

Nayway ...  sleep well and hope yr week improves!

Love from Raven xxxxx

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