Monday, 27 February 2012

Ahhhaaa second day of posting on my blog ... it;s a bit like my web page !but the controls are different. sort of like driving away in a new car.

So here we go with info re me. OK so you can see the profile but i suspect you need ot see what I make and what I do . Well I'm goingto leave out my work pictures as only weirdos and pods like pics of feet  so I promise I will only post pics of quilts and sewing stuff.

Today is my day off ( hahahahahhahahaha who am I kidding!)  one laod of laundry done, the hens fed, beds made, lounge/familyroom tidied, and really I should be sewing. I have a meet up with a great friend Denise today and we swap wkills and make blocks for linus quilts which we give to local hospitals for kids etc.

  here's the linky.  feel free to make some blocks or if you have orphans get together and make a quilt to go to this great charity.

Anyway, I also work with a couple of lovely ladies on BLOCKSWAP International!/groups/213554192067013/

  a none specific group where one person calls the colours and size but you make what you want and send it . The resulting quilt goes to a local person in need / charity/ special unit or whatever thatp erson decides . so sort of like a sewing bee but not ! It;s far too relaxed. Anyone can join and send blocks or make requests. We only ask that you don;t use the blocks for commercial purposes and any blocks you make you would be happy to use yourself.

so now we need some pics of my work . Wel lyou might be able to find them on my facebook page but here they are to save you time and effort.

Pinwheels doine with white for a little girl . was finally edged with Joel Dewberry in Aqua and a lemon yellow binding !

This is a mix of Joel Dewberry and Tilda  along witha couple of otehr favourites that live in the stock box /stash !  quilted in stipple in monofilament  and was lovely. It was made ot go with the quilt below which went to a friend of my daughters.

I adored this quilt . It;s a pandoras box jelly roll pattern but I cut from my stash allthe shades of jade and sapphire and so I think of it as Neptunes gift to Pandora.  totally devine. It was quilted in "boxes" random squares outlining different sized squares . Some handquilting and binding done by my motehr as she couldn't keep her hands off it either.

 ahhhh a selection of baby bibs made for my daughters school fayre ( what a shower that was) and some sent to a friend who is the lucky recipient of TWIN GIRLS !
 These bibs I adore with the fussy cut centres. BIzarrely people didn't go wild when they were going to have to buy them to support a local cancer charity but were preapred to take them and lie about making a "donation" a sad sad sad  day
 Hair bands also for my daughters school fayre. She now has a lot of lovely hair bands
 A quilted bag made with a demi jelly roll of Loudin spots and stuff. It carries a lot of quilt stuff including a superking sized quilt at present .
 ahhh the draw string bags ! Love these so quick and simple  I can't remember where I got  hte pattern from but when I hunt it down I will let you know . THey take about 20 mins to make ! Yup that easy
 Love this . Nuff said
 Right this one has quite a tale to tell.  It was made itinially as a gift for a friend of my daughter who asked for a quilt in Lime green turquoise and orange. BOy was that a shocker.... so I thought ok I'll m,ake it bright but calm it down so I mixed al ot of other colours in .

 Sadly when she saw it in raw state she wasn't struck by it so I said nothing and put it away . Then one day I sat down and quilted the blighter ..,. you have those days where you have to jsut kill off a few projects to make room for everything else and I feel these WIPS unloved etc block your energy ( ha listen to me spouting tripe!)  so I quilted it and I sat and put the binding on and anotehr friend of daughter saw it fell in love and now sleeps with it everyday .

 It;s nice to have a happy ending
 Ah      table mades made in shuffle style . THese arestill lounging in my WIP box waiting to be bound and labelled.

A Squodge cushion . Semi dresden plate but made with wild colours and pinned in the umbilicus! YOUCH !

 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh free motion quilting.

This is a piece of fabric from the stained glass range that came out late lasdt year. Totally lush to look at and I thought ok I,m not bad a FMQ I,ll outline the dragon flies and flowers etc and see how it looks.
This made one totally gorgeous cushion , had my motehr in tears ( jealoussssss!) and was given by a young man to his grandmother as a thank you . THe thread used is Gutterman SUlky variagated. nice.
 Quilt made ofr daughters school raffle. blue is the blazer colour .
It went to a happy home
 a scrap attack . One mountainous stash had to be killed off so this is a true stash scrap attack
 a shirt quilt. This one has al ong story and a couple of nasty injuries along the way. Let me merely confirm that sewing through yr nail and finger with a machine B&*$*(% hurts !  This isl eaving soon . Thank god !
 ahha a quickie project for ear phones . I quilted hte fabric fiurst then cut the pattern as I hate shrinkage . anotehr 20 min project .
 WONKY STARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them  I love them even more when they contain my Jenean Morrisson Picnic Parade in orange. Sadly very difficult to obtain . hence why it only comes out in speical projects !
 SAid range from Picnic Parade .... hello gorgeous ! xxxx

Selve edges .... you got to hate them or love them . I,m still undecided but I had a go . I know some lady made a ottally fabulous 1950;s style dress using selve edges  but I,m not that patient ,.

the design wanted by my friend JD when he and his partner get married as their wedding quilt. It;s causing me some headaches. It;s al ittle to regimented for my taste lacking in vibrancy but hey I'll get it to go right .

A Quilt made for my BF > jelly roll strips then cut on 45 degree angle and set in sashing. THat simple.
THerei s no pic of the quilting I did on it which was multiple sine waves as she palys violin . A lovely lovely item I have to say and she loves it too .

I have hundreds of otehr pics to find and upload so I'll go do that and you go and have a tylenol and a lie down and I'll see you later.


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